Sustainability-related disclosures
Sustainability-related disclosures pursuant to the European Commission’s Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”)
I. Sustainability Risks
Pursuant to the SFDR, “sustainability risks” are defined as environmental, social, or governance (ESG) events or conditions that, if they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of an investment.
Galvanize Climate Solutions LLC (“Galvanize”) is a climate-focused investment firm seeking to accelerate climate solutions and create long-term value for investors. As such, with respect to sustainability risks, Galvanize’s focus across its strategies will be more heavily weighted to sustainability risks related to climate impact.
Galvanize integrates sustainability risks in its decision-making process, in each case specific to the strategy’s investment processes. Sustainability risks form part of Galvanize’s risk evaluation and management process in connection with investment due diligence and portfolio management, in each case, in light of Galvanize’s evaluation of materiality to the investment and the circumstances of the investment (e.g., investment strategy, asset type, investment size, and stage of investment). Galvanize may elect to invest despite the existence of sustainability risks, such as where the sustainability risks may be mitigated or solved, or where such risks are determined to be immaterial or outweighed by other benefits.
II. Remuneration
The remuneration of team members is generally based on a combination of fixed and variable remuneration, which may be adjusted for performance. Galvanize encourages sound and effective risk management; however, we recognize that a willingness to take calculated risks is important to address the urgency of the climate crisis. With respect to senior investment professionals, investment performance may impact variable compensation via carried interest or incentive allocations. Sustainability risks may impact remuneration to the extent a material failure to consider sustainability risks adversely impacts investment performance.
Certain members of the team are also awarded carried interest, which may be based on performance or, in certain cases, achievement of sustainability metrics.