Venture & Growth.

Innovation + Expansion Strategy We back world class teams building the defining climate companies of our generation.

Transformative climate companies:

Portfolio opportunities.

Explore opportunities and join our talent network at our Portfolio Companies

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Portfolio services:

Our foundational platform provides tailor-made portfolio services to amplify climate company growth and value creation.

  • Corporate Development

    Go-to-market support with a focus on corporate customer access and relationships across industries.
  • Technical and Scientific Expertise

    Access to leading science minds for perspective on and validation of company R&D.
  • Regulatory Affairs Guidance

    Access to and insights from key policy makers to inform company resource allocation and shape policy.
  • Talent

    Facilitate introductions to talent and provide thought leadership on recruiting and retention.
  • Branding, PR, and Communications Support

    Augment brand and industry presence in support of core company growth goals.
  • Impact Thought Leadership

    Choose and track impact metrics to drive portfolio company alignment to the carbon transition.

Meet the Investors.

Investment approach:

  • Material Climate Impact

    We are focused on partnering with entrepreneurs building companies that are essential, durable, and aligned with a net zero world. We believe companies most aligned with decarbonization will reap significant economic rewards in our rapidly changing world.
  • Alignment With World-Class Management Teams

    We aim to attract the most talented climate company builders in the world through our deep network of relationships and value-additive partnership, including portfolio services tailor-made for the climate entrepreneur. We view every investment as the beginning of a long-term partnership towards financial and climate impact.
  • Potential for a Massive End Market

    We partner with companies that have a clear route to leadership in end-markets that will grow substantially in a net zero world. Connectivity to evolving decarbonization pathway research will augment our understanding of the viability and scale of the largest end-markets driven by decarbonization.
  • Attractive Position in Value Chain

    Our portfolio companies must have a business model that allows for compelling returns on our investments via differentiated technology, network effects, and/or scale economics.
  • Galvanize Value Creation Edge

    We seek out companies with the potential for substantial value creation via Galvanize resources and relationships, with the ability to accelerate deployment ramp with flexible, scalable capital.

Let’s get to work.

We’re actively investing in companies with the potential for substantial value creation and timely, measurable decarbonization.

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